Coming to the church for the first time ever, or for the first time in a long time can be really daunting.
So I wanted you to know something.
You can come to Mossneuk Parish Church as you are. When you pull up into the carpark, or wherever you choose to park, you'll find someone with a badge who will come in with you. They wont pester you or force themselves on you. But they are there if you are nervous.
But i promise you. You'll never worry again. You will get hugs and blessing. There will be hot coffee or tea, and a chance to enjoy the surroundings.
Dont even worry about where you sit. You can stand if you want. And if you need something more comfortable - there's sofa's too.
At Mossneuk you are allowed - no encouraged - to lounge and chill. It's how we do worship.
You got this invite for a reason. I'd take it less as a coincidence, and more as a god-incidence. We're all searching for something more.
You're about to discover something wonderful. Don't put it off another moment. We'll see you on the 16th March at 10am. Come early if you want!