Childrens Ministry Hub

'Let the children come to me, do not hinder them..."

We follow a teaching schedule, taking them through the bible in sections so that they get the whole story of who God is, what God has done, and what God will do in the future in the lives of his people. 

One of the key parts of life at Mossneuk is 'wondering,' and our young people are encouraged to ask questions, challenge, investigate, search out, and learn about God so that they might rest in and know him for themselves.

You don't have to come to church yourself to let your child attend Wee Disciples. We have a drop-off scheme where parents can drop their children off in the morning and pick them up after the service.  We truly seek to follow the call of Jesus when he commanded his followers to 'not hinder' any young people coming to him. 

The Wee Disciples exist to share the Good News of Jesus with each other as they grow and learn about him together.

The church prayed and sought direction about the creation of a space initially for our Wee Disciples, but one that would eventually allow a multifunctional use for many different things - including contemplative and prayer times. 

In 2022, a long-standing member of the congregation donated £1000 for a specific purpose. We believe it was an answer to prayer and painting and decoration commenced on what is now 'The Haven'

The Haven is used as a meeting room, a toy room, a retreat, a prayer space, and an activity room for our wee disciples.
