Breast Feeding Welcome
Neurodiverse Friendly
Thank you Days
In line with our Sunday teaching, our structure factors in special 'Thank you' Days so that you might set aside your reading day to thank God for what He is teaching you, giving you, blessing you, bestowing on you, through your reading of the Psalms.
We forget the Psalms were Jesus' prayer book. He recited Psalms from the cross, and so they held a special place in His Heart. They spill over with thanksgiving, and so we pray you can use these special days for thanking God for all he is doing in you and through you.
Journalling and Research
A Great way for you to get into the detail of the Psalms is to use a study guide or a journal alongside your readings. This is not always neccesary, and not always advisable. It is very often the case to focus entirely on what God is saying to you in His Word rather than what other people are saying to you about His word.
But sometimes it's good to know more. There are some links that we think would be helpful for you to understand, and also some commentary suggestions below.
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