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Welcome to our 2025 Reading Schedule. This year we are focusing on reading the Psalms (yes, all 150)! We pray as you start out in this endeavour that you will be blessed beyond compare.

Rest Days

Our Annual Bible Reading structures always give you the opportunity for catch-up. 

It's important that you don't see the reading throughout the year as a chore, so don't worry if you accidentally miss a day. Whilst reading scripture should be an every day desire, life sometimes causes situations that make it difficult to have special time on your own to think.  

The plan is worked out over five days, so you have two days every week to adjust and catch-up. These five-day blocks are not neccesarily only weekdays.

Thank you Days

In line with our Sunday teaching, our structure factors in special 'Thank you' Days so that you might set aside your reading day to thank God for what He is teaching you, giving you, blessing you, bestowing on you, through your reading of the Psalms. 

We forget the Psalms were Jesus' prayer book. He recited Psalms from the cross, and so they held a special place in His Heart. They spill over with thanksgiving, and so we pray you can use these special days for thanking God for all he is doing in you and through you.

Journalling and Research

A Great way for you to get into the detail of the Psalms is to use a study guide or a journal alongside your readings.  This is not always neccesary, and not always advisable. It is very often the case to focus entirely on what God is saying to you in His Word rather than what other people are saying to you about His word.

But sometimes it's good to know more. There are some links that we think would be helpful for you to understand, and also some commentary suggestions below.

Enduring Word is an amazing
commentary to use if you are
wanting to learn verse by verse
about the Psalms. 

Click here to visit

Studylight contains a wide array of resources that will help you better understand the Psalms. 

Click here to visit

The Bible Project Website and App contains an array of classes and educational resources on the Psalms

Click here to visit

If you are looking for more, rather than reading, then Gospel in Life is a wonderful selection of Sermons to watch and listen.

Click here to visit