For Men

Mens Ministry Network

Jesus’s life embodied true masculinity. How could it not? No doubt, we could produce a long list of characteristics that Jesus embodied that made him a real man, but two noteworthy traits are his selflessness and sacrifice.

We also learn from Jesus that true manhood isn’t simply about keeping our noses clean and our own ducks in a row.

True manhood means getting beyond ourselves to love our neighbours — and our neighbour is anyone we meet that is in need.

Christian men, under the authority of Jesus, freely give their time, resources, attention, energy, and emotional support to those that need it without regard to what they can give in return.

Mens Breakfast will be held monthly as a casual fellowship gathering for men. We meet at the Harvester on 12th October 2024 from 9:30am. 

Brotherhood Men's group will initially meet in one of our members houses (you will get confirmation when you sign up) and afterwards will meet on Monday Evenings in the Church.

Phillip Holmes, Desiring God
