
Financial Giving

Standing order

The most helpful (and most common) way of giving and supporting the church is via a standing order. 

This is a weekly pledge officially made in your account to donate a certain amount each week. You can contact your bank to set this up or get in touch with Lynn Holmes (our treasurer) to fix this for you and fill out the form.

If you can set this up on your own, the church details are as follows:

Sortcode: 83-28-13
Account Number: 00203866

We've probably all heard these common complaints and questions: Churches today only care about money. There are too many abuses of church funds. Why should I give? How do I know the money will go to a good cause? Some churches talk about and ask for money frequently.

There are a variety of ways to give financially to the church...and the are outlined below:


The easiest way to give to church is via our online portals, or by our QR code.

We have a dedicated section of the church of scotland website, as well as a portal via our sum-up giving service. The links are below.

Cash and Cheque

You can give a one off donation, or a frequent payment to the church each sunday in cash. 

A part of our service of worship contains a time of offering where collections are uplifted for the work of the church. This is the standard method of giving throughout the church.

You can also write cheques made payable to East Kilbride: Mossneuk Parish Church and place these in the offering bag or hand them to Lynn Holmes.