
It is easy to forget that the church is different from any institution in the world. Whilst financial and practical help is important, and it REALLY is, the best way to help alongside those things is in a spiritual way.

Spiritual Giving is using your time with God, and your space of prayer and contemplation to remember our church. Petition and pray to God unceasingly that he might do a new work within us here.  

Loving your neighbour.

There is a great comission on all of us to pray and love our neighbours as God loves us. You can do this by just spending time with them over the fence, taking in a gift, or a small act of kindness. Generate conversations. Be effective in saying to anyone you meet 'Jesus loves you' or 'Is there anything going on in your family that you need prayer for?"  Prayer changes everything.  

Being with the Church Family

There are many things going on across the church that you can be praying for.  Join us for Waterwell on Friday mornings,
spend time in the church with us when we're there, or even find someone you rarely speak to on a Sunday morning and say hello - welcome them to lunch. 

the prayer course