
Giving your time

I have always reflected on how the church works with its people and you'll have heard me liken it to a football match where many spectators stand around watching only a few people do a lot of work.  This is very often what the experience of church is.

Not everyone can give all their time all of the time. But if many people give their time, then the weight of what has to be done gets lighter. This page will ask you to assess how engaged you are with the church activity.

The Kirk Session

The Kirk Session is made up of elders who are the responsible for the spiritual and temporal wellbeing of the entire church family and parish. They exercise authority over everything that happens in the church with the exception of worship, which remains exclusively the responsibility of the minister.  To serve on the Kirk Session you must be an elder.

An elder of the church is a very specific call to minister to a people in a place, although if you have been an erlder elsewhere, you can petition the serving session to add you to their number should they wish to do so. 

All other areas of the church require support which include the following:

Property Committee
The property committee deals with all buildings related issues and meets three times per year (usually) to share the buildings priorities with the Kirk Session

Lead elder: Mhairi Macleod

Convener: John Walker
Current Members: 2
Members required: 3

Hospitality Rota
The Hospitality Rota is made up of williong people who are able to serve tea and coffee on sundays. It is usually led and organised by Jean Sneddon and Christine Walker. You can sign up for this whenever a rota is being published (every three months)

Audio and Visual Team
This is one of the most important teams in the church as they ensure we can have adequate sound and visuals during the services of worship, or whenever events occur in the church. 

We are desperatly needing volunteers for this and Duncan is currently the lead for this alongside Eddie. The responsible elder is Sarah McCallum

Wee Disciples Leadership Team

This is a PVG approved group of people who are responsible for leading the youth ministry in the church during worship.  It is also important in facilitating and managing big youth events such as Holiday Club.  Mhairi MacLeod is the lead elder and provides the resources.

Safeguarding Team

The Safeguarding Team assess safeguarding risks within the church and take action. They are responsible for ensuring the correct processes are followed and they are the hub of ensuring all PVG and safeguarding training is up to date. Currently the panel consists of Lead Elder: Anne Reid and Lesley Cameron.

The team are looking for one other member.

Finance Team

The Finance team would work on ensuring all the churches finances are up to standard. We would also look to utilise this group for making approaches to financers and awards schemes. The committee currently consists of our Treasurer Lynn Holmes, and two of our elders: Kenny MacLeod and Sandra Robb.